Minhajuddin Kasman AR, S.T., M.T.I., PNIIT

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Projects

These are some of my professional projects, which I have been working on since 2018.
The role I played in these projects varies from full-stack web developer and back-end developer.

Minhajuddin Kasman AR

Internet Banking Bisnis BRI, an super banking app for individual and small-medium enterprises

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Minhajuddin Kasman AR
Indonesia Mengajar

Customized Content management system for Indonesia Mengajar's official website

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Minhajuddin Kasman AR
Iuran Publik IM

Donation system, integrated with Midtrans for Indonesia Mengajar's funding

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Minhajuddin Kasman AR
Backoffice IM

Backoffice system for Indonesia Mengajar's internal use including recruitment and reporting

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Personal Projects

These are some of my personal projects, which I completed in my spare time.

Minhajuddin Kasman AR

A notification service built with go that implemented event-driven approach

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Minhajuddin Kasman AR

A js library to embed simple layout builder for bootstrap 4 in your web

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